Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I have no real intent to become as adept at this as my amazing sister-in-law Denae.
In fact, I have no hope of ever being as adept as she is at anything, except maybe appreciating how cool my brother is.

I'll try to add something interesting and original soon, but I just wanted to throw something up quickly.

Here's Jonnie and I on a golf excursion.
He's a great partner, he usually lets me drive the cart.


D-dawg said...

I like picture. Jonnie's smile is so sweet. It would be fun if you became a blogger! I would say I'm kind of obsessed with the blogging world!

Dave said...

Woohoo! Look who's hit the blogging scene! Don't be a loser like me and quit after a few posts!

The blog looks pretty good so far... keep it up!